2019-05-29 - Junko Yoshida

Taiwan Hopes to Emulate Silicon Valley

Taiwan today is trying to develop a startup infrastructure that Silicon Valley took 30 years to grow organically. Can Taiwan…

2019-05-21 - Rick Merritt

HoloLens 2, Neural Probes and More at Imec’s Summit

Speakers described work on everything from mixed-reality to deep learning, solid-state batteries and brain science at Imec's annual event

2019-05-20 - Nitin Dahad

$5m Raised by Customisable Analog IP Startup

Agile Analog says it has automated the analog design process, eliminating a long-standing bottleneck

2019-05-15 - Junko Yoshida

Cellular Dash-Cam as Effective as Tesla’s Sentry

Owl Cameras' LTE-connected dash cam is said to be as effective as Tesla's Sentry Mode

2019-05-09 - George Leopold

The Startup 3D Printing Rockets

A rocket manufacturer pioneering 3D printing technology is scheduled to loft its first payload into orbit as early as 2021…

2019-05-07 - Susan Hong

The Top Taiwanese Startups to Watch in 2019

Taiwan's Ministry of Science and Technology has chosen Taiwan's "10 Most Innovative Tech Startups" to promote

2019-05-06 - Junko Yoshida

An Interview with Taiwan’s ‘King of Innovation’

Chen is the rare bird - a world leader focused on incubating new tech companies. He grew up reading EE…

2019-04-24 - Nitin Dahad

US, China Heading Towards Tech Cold War

The world might be divided between US-led and China-led spheres as the competition between the two countries carries over into…

2019-04-16 - Nitin Dahad

Life After Nokia

The demise of Nokia's mobile phone business rocked Oulu in Finland, but the city reinvigorated itself by becoming a low…

2019-04-01 - Rick Merritt

Open Source Initiative Outlines Interfaces and Issues

A group of mainly small- and medium-sized vendors took its first steps toward building a standard for semiconductors assembled from…