2018-07-29 - Dylan McGrath, EE Times

Intel: “10nm chips by holiday season 2019”

Near-antique 14nm desktop chips to see successor... Next year.

2018-07-26 - Rick Merritt

Intel Aiming to Standardize Chip Communication

Releasing EMIB (Embedded Multi-Die Interconnect Bridge) PHY specs in coming weeks

2018-07-25 - Rick Merritt

Samsung Unveils new Mobile GPU

New GPU "could put it on par with Apple," says Jon Peddie

2018-07-19 - Rick Merritt

AMD Poised to Join GPU AI Race

7nm Vega chips its weapon of choice

2018-07-06 - Rick Merritt

Baidu Announces AI Accelerator Kunlun

A 260 TOP/s chip consuming 100W, built on Samsung's 14nm process, likely to use HBM2 memory

2018-07-03 - George Leopold, Science & Technology Writer

NASA Evaluating Off-the-Shelf Components

Ongoing experiments at ISS as commercial electronics exceed current radiation hardening requirements

2018-06-20 - Rick Merritt

Syntiant Aims to Boost Voice Recognition

Expects to add Caffe support in the future for its 20TOPs/W chip

2018-06-07 - Jonas Klar, EE Times Asia

AMD Demos 32 Core CPU, Talks 7nm

Consumer CPU giants engaged in Computex core count war

2018-06-05 - Jonas Klar, EE Times Asia

Intel Demonstrates 28-Core CPU and i7-8086K

Celebrates 50 years as a company and 40 years since the launch of the original 8086 at Computex

2018-06-01 - Rick Merritt

ARM Announces High-Performance Laptop CPU

Cortex A76 performs within 10 percent of Intel's Skylake cores, is paired with Mali G76 and V76