2018-09-17 - Junko Yoshida, EE Times

NVIDIA Outlines ‘Autonomous Machines’

While competitors focus solely on cars, NVIDIA targets autonomous machines in general

2018-09-11 - Rick Merritt

BrainChip Announces SNN ML Accelerator

Company's Spiking Neural Network accelerator looks set to be the first commercial product on the market in third quarter of…

2018-09-06 - Junko Yoshida, EE Times

ThinCI Joins AI Rush

AI startup secures serious funding, with Daimler among its backers

2018-09-04 - IMEC

Bringing Artificial Intelligence to the Edge of the IoT

IMEC talks AI at the IoT edge, invites you to join the Imec Technology Forum 2018 in Taipei

2018-08-21 - Rick Merritt

AI Startup Esperanto Nabs Tesla Engineers

High-end RISC-V cores and processors for deep learning on Esperanto agenda, as announced at Hot Chips

2018-08-08 - Rick Merritt

India’s InCore Adds to RISC-V and AI

Licensing cores and design services on agenda for startup

2018-08-02 - Junko Yoshida, EE Times

Broadcom Gets Involved in 7nm Wave AI Chip

Broadcom signed on as ASIC developer for Wave's DPU

2018-07-31 - Junko Yoshida, EE Times

Intel Ready for AI Revolution

nGraph and new OpenVINO toolkit has Intel ready for all things AI

2018-07-31 - Gary Hilson

GDDR6 Finding ML and AI Uses

...Once it hits the market

2018-07-25 - Nitin Dahad, EE Times

China Leads Way in Semiconductor Funding

Chinese AI investments topping the charts