2018-10-08 - Dylan McGrath, EE Times

Many Inaccuracies in Hacking Report, says Amazon

Claims to not have been affected by Chinese spy chips, as does Apple and Super Micro

2018-04-20 - Rick Merritt

A Peek Inside Lab126

Amazon invites journalists to its client hardware division, talks voice interfaces

2018-03-08 - Junko Yoshida, EE Times

IoT: Amazon or Google?

Smart home ecosystem battle rages on fragmented market

2017-04-25 - Rick Merritt

Amazon debuts Lex service as OEMs tap into Alexa

Amazon’s Lex handles speech recognition and natural language processing as a web service.

2016-08-09 - Gary Hilson

Changing peak season dynamics: Is your supply chain ready?

Before a peak season hits, it's crucial to understand what inventory is going to be promoted and pushed.

2016-06-12 - Hailey Lynne McKeefry

Digitisation: a supply chain game-changer

The electronics supply chain management landscape is fast evolving, as paper-based and even hybrid supply chains are being replaced by…